Creative Self-Care: Coming Out of Lockdown
to Nov 5

Creative Self-Care: Coming Out of Lockdown

  • Louisville Literary Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Show of hands: Who needs a little creative play in their lives right now? Join me for this four-week course, Thursday evenings on Zoom, where we'll write our hearts out, listen to good poems and essays, move, breathe, and try new things just for fun. Let's coax our creative selves back into the light.

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Louisville, KY: InKY Workshop on Place
9:30 AM09:30

Louisville, KY: InKY Workshop on Place

Join me for a generative workshop on the craft of writing about place. I’ll talk about techniques I used during my research trip to India and discuss the uses of place in creating tone, atmosphere, and mood; developing character; and shaping story. We’ll read examples that excel in creating a vivid sense of place and try our hand at exercises.

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